The Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers
Ashton Keynes, Holy Cross

Picture: Ashton Keynes, Holy Cross

Rule 2.iv of the Association states that one of the Objects and Aims is 'To provide financial assistance by way of grants to affiliated church authorities incurring expenditure on the provision, maintenance or improvement of their bells and bell installations.' This the Association does by means of the Belfry Repair Fund, a separate fund within the financial structure as described in Rule 20, into which the major part of all subscriptions are paid. Out of this are paid grants to qualifying projects. In the past the Fund has paid grants in the region of 10% of eligible costs.

A project will qualify for a grant if it meets the following criteria:

The above points should be considered guidelines and a tower is strongly recommended to contact a Belfry Adviser (names and contact details in the Annual Report or via the Coordinating Belfry Adviser) for technical advice. The Association's officers are also available for advice on financial and procedural matters.

To apply for a grant the tower concerned should contact the Coordinating Belfry Adviser Malcolm Taylor. If he is satisfied that the work appears to be grant eligible and that appropriate advice has been obtained he will then issue an application form. The form comes with a set of explanatory notes which are available for download PDF here to help you decide if you wish to make an application.

It is also important to note that all work on bells will require permission. As a minimum permission must be granted by the PCC. More involved work requires an archdeacon's written permission or a faculty to be granted. Refer to this Statutory Instrument for the lists of what may be done with what permissions. Item A3 in list A defines work which requires permission from the PCC. Item B2 of list B defines what may be undertaken with an archdeacon's permission. Anything else is subject to a faculty.